Sunday, October 16, 2011

1 Cor 6:1-11 Why Not Rather Be Wronged

The passage talks about even within the Corinth church there were disputes among the Christians. But it's normal, there are bound to be differences and disagreements among two sinners. More importantly they bring it up to another Christian, probably a leader or an elder.

But instead of bringing it to the church, some Christians rather bring it to the outside court and have a non-believer judge them. Paul says that Christians are able to make proper judgment probably because of the bible and the Holy Spirit.

Paul says the fact where there are lawsuits among the Christians means the Christians have been completely defeated. I'm just thinking today how many court cases are involving between two Christians. I'm sure there are a lot. I'm sure many of such cases are really serious.

However, if Christians committed such serious crime to the point of going to court, it just shows it is so wrong. There must be a lot of sinful thoughts harvesting in the mind of that person. I'm not even sure he's really a true Christian or not.

But we can be quite sure that even if such people are not properly judge on earth, God will sure bring justice. However if you as a Christian, you felt unjustified when another Christian hurt you, you have to bring it up to another Christian probably a wiser one, vulnerably.

Actually, its good for us, to learn to be humble and see what else we can change and do better. That means we have to admit to the slight mistakes we did and reflect how we can do better. If everyone hold to such attitude in the church, there won't be so much conflicts.

Don't worry of those constantly sinning against others, even the Christians, you can be sure that God will bring the right judgment.
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